1·Some content providers do not provide full feeds. Others tack on ads at the end of full feeds to provide some revenue.
2·This book will provide a detailed examination of the Little Ice Age and other climatic shifts, but, before I embark on that, let me provide a historical context.
3·It does not, in and of itself, provide localized behavior; classes must provide localization themselves.
4·What's more, many employers verify degrees and will ask you to provide graduation dates, so you might as well provide them.
5·Many tools provide one of these features of monitoring, but some tools provide assistance with both.
6·After you provide this information, continue to provide standard configuration data such as virtual machine resource allocation information, cell name, node name, and passwords.
7·Some sensors provide only a single data value, while others provide three float values.
8·The classes don't provide any functions; they exist solely to provide names for the objects they will represent.
9·The next section shows you how the constructing entity knows to provide a customer and which customer to provide.
10·A responsibility of a class describes the services that this class will provide in our system, and that no other class will provide.